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Emotional Freedom Technique

Vicky Robinson, ceft2, AEFTP

EFT Certified Practitioner

Just Be…Stress Free

Helping people relieve stress and anxiety from their busy lives

Why choose EFT as your alternative healing approach? The Emotional Freedom Techniques, also known as tapping, is an alternative acupressure therapy treatment used to restore balance to your disrupted energy system inside your body and mind. This technique has been proven to reduce the stress hormone cortisol and calms the nervous system. By tapping we create a positive energy flow releasing stress, anxiety, fears, phobias, cravings, pain and so much more. Tapping can be used for every situation!


Just Be....You...Just Be...Stress Free

Just Be....You...Just Be...Stress Free

Listening is the foundation of my coaching approach. Let me help you discover how to overcome your fears and live the life you deserve….. The first step of healing is awareness



    It all starts by focusing on a specific issue that you would like to address and reslove. I will listen intently to determine what style of tapping is best for you


    Next, you’ll reflect on what may be blocking you, and learn how to overcome these obstacles. We will tap on specific points on your body while stating the issue to move the negative emotion away and remove the block.

  • Refine

    The last step? We learn how to continually refine what we’ve learned. Think of this as your new beginning. One session might be all you need! More complex issues may require multiple sessions. You will feel refreshed!

When our chakras are blocked it can prevent us from living our full potential. We hold on to limited beliefs that we have been taught from the time we are born. They can be in our subconscious, and we may not even aware they are making decisions on our behalf. Where in your life have set up your own limitations? We need to start at the Root. This is where our family, community our ancestors and tribal beliefs are set. As we move through the body, we are able to release and reset.

This book Unblocked by Margaret Lynch Raniere and David Ranier PH.D, is a fabulous tool to use as we reclaim our passion, joy and confidence. Sign up today as we explore and heal your chakras and heal your body mind and soul.

There are approximately 3 sessions per chakra. Starting with the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat and crown. If you are ready for this challenge? I guide you through visualizations, tapping and journaling. You will become free of limitations that may be blocking your full potential.

Schedule a free consultation to find out more about this journey of healing and growth.

Schedule today for this special offer of just $15.00 a session.

What is EFT? and How does it work?

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) also known as Tapping is based on a form of ancient Chinese acupuncture without the needles. Each point on our body signifies a specific meridian which is associated to a different organ which inturn is associated with a different emotion.

As we tap on specific points on the body, known as the meridian points, it moves the energy that may be stuck causing pain, illness, anxiety and stress. When we experience any trauma, even from birth, we can hold this into our bodies and this can cause dis-ease. Have you ever experienced the fight or flight or freeze response in any situation? By tapping on a specific situation you are able to release that anxiety by calming the sympathetic nervous system.

So many situations in our lives can cause us stress and anxiety. From the time we are born we have conditions placed upon us by society, parents, teachers and religion. We forget who we are and sometimes are not living up to our true potential because of these limitations.

As you reveal your true identity, you will learn so much about who you are and learn to love and accept yourself as being just you!

The science behind EFT link and tapping points explained link

How Does EFT Tapping Work? Here’s the Science Behind It – Hush Your Mind

Tapping Points Explained - secrets from an acupuncturist — Whitney Morgan Nutrition, LLC


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